Judo training can develop a competitive spirit and a feeling of confidence in a variety of situations. Judo develops self discipline and respect for one’s self and others.
Regular Judo training can improve an individual’s aerobic capacity, speed, power, strength, agility, and flexibility. Judo utilizes virtually every muscle of the body and is an excellent overall conditioner.
For those who compete, Judo is both a challenging and a rewarding sport. For those not interested in competition, Judo provides for an enjoyable keep fit or recreational activity that emphasizes fun with safety.
Judo training gives a person an effective self defense system if the need arises.
Finally, Judo training teaches a person how to fall safely without injury, which ia a skill that is unique to Judo. This is a useful skill in everyday life.
We hope that you have lots of fun playing Judo and enjoy the sport as much as we do.