Sensei Sid Kelly
Sid Kelly

8th Degree Black Belt (Hachidan) in Judo
6th Degree Black Belt (Rokudan) in Jujitsu.


Sid Kelly began judo in 1957 in London, England. His early instructors were, the renowned technician Kenshiro Abe, 8th Dan, Mr. Leggett, Mr. G Kerr and Mr. John Newman. He represented Gt Britain on nine occasions and was the head instructor of the Renrukan JC with three of its members in the British team. He passed the Coach Award Examination, was Assistant Area Coach for the NHC (Northern Home Counties), captained the NHC team that won the Area Team Championships, and won Britains first Kata competition in a NHC Area Championships.

Emigrated to the USA in 1967. Was overall New England Black Belt Champion, Connecticut State Champion, ten years National Referee, two times gold medalist in the Worlds Masters (Canada 1999),(Japan 2004), coach of the winning Connecticut team(1999 United States Judo Association(USJA) National team Championships), USJA Certified Coach, Master Examiner and Kata Examiner. In Connecticut, introduced programs for: Junior and Senior Leagues, the first Friday of the month work outs, Senior club visits, Junior training sessions, Kata for Connecticut instructors and monthly visits by out of state instructors. Sid Kelly has written two books, produced eight videos and documented 16 Training Drills.

He has a Higher National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and works in the field of designing high speed automation equipment.

He lives with his wife Rita in West Haven, Connecticut, USA and has two children, Susan and Tom, and one grandson, Beau.